Monday, June 10, 2013

Assessment Plan-Gross Motor Movement

                  Assessment Plan-Movement

PurposeThe purpose of this assessment plan is to develop a quality assessment aligned with a learner outcome, in such a way that learning is maximized for students, contributing to a quality educational experience for the learners. 

Learner Outcome: At the end of the movement lesson, students will correctly perform four basic gross motor tasks and three advanced gross motor tasks, measured by clear rubric.

Assessment Context: Movement & Music: Students will follow teachers commands and move as directed while music is going and follow directions for partner positions when music stops. Teacher will use checklists for basic movements, advanced movements, and partner standing positions to monitor progress and note observations. 


Testing Constraints: Physical impairments may limit performance for some students which can cause a test-taker error. Teacher will observe and plan for difficulties, providing any reasonable accommodations that may increase success for the test taker. As for test and administration errors, teacher will use checklist and be flexible to modify as needed. Teacher can call names to address any trouble observing students in motion. Clear rubric with specific tasks and checklist eliminates scoring errors.

             Move, Move, Move!